Honey Bees

Bees are vital to the entire ecosystem, as they account for 75% of all flower and crop pollination worldwide. For this reason, we at Elite Pest Management understand their importance and value their survival.

Bees swarm in the warmer months when hives start producing queens, causing the colony to split. When the colony splits, bees will relocate their hive and can often be observed forming a temporary swarm which is fittingly called a “ball”(pictured) as the bees search for a new location for their hive. If you happen to see a swarm land and form a “ball”, please give the bees safe distance and do not disturb them as this is temporary and lasts 24-48 hours. In cases where the “ball” has formed in an area where giving them safe distance is not possible, please give us a call.

When there is an established live colony and the bees have created honeycomb in an accessible area (such as in a wall void or irrigation box), we will humanely remove the hive in its entirety and relocate them to where they are able to pollinate safely. In this case, we repair any damage needed to safely remove the hive and reseal the area. In the unfortunate event such as inability to access the area or safely remove the hive, we are able to treat and seal the area causing the drone bees to dissipate.